Another T-Shirt Brand? Learn More about our Charity Partners

Another T-Shirt Brand? Learn More about our Charity Partners

With every T-shirt purchased, we donate $5 to a charity of your choice that we are aligned with for that season. This season's non-profits are:


ANOTHER T-SHIRT BRAND? YES! BUT one that was designed with a conscious purpose, a passion, extreme attention to detail, and a story. T-shirts are the most classic staple items in apparel. But for us, it not only allows an easy go to daily outfit, but we feel it's an item that gets overlooked and overused without the appreciation and gratitude it deserves. As people we tend to get stuck in the stress, obligations and responsibilities of life that often leads us to burn out, anxiety and sometimes depression. We start to overlook all the good we have around us and just focus on what we don’t have, or what we need to check off next.

HOW DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH T-SHIRTS? For us T-shirts represent going back to the basic needs of life. We know for any one of us to survive as humans we need food, water, shelter, sleep, and clothing. Within the apparel genre, the most basic and arguably the most popular article of clothing in the modern day is…… (Drum roll please….) ...YES it’s T-SHIRTS!. Shirts have evolved over time and expanded to include various styles, designs, cuts, and colors while crossing cultural and socioeconomic boundaries. It's the timeless staple item that can be worn during the day at work, at night for dinner, while working out at the gym, or to lounge in on your couch after a long day. It's literally always there for you as a layer of shelter, warmth, comfort, or style.

OKAY, BUT HOW IS THIS DIFFERENT THAN ANY OTHER T-SHIRT BRAND? We reinvented the wheel by giving T-shirts a whole new meaning. We paired our American made and non-toxic dyed colored t-shirts with struggles that each of us has been affected by one way or another. Each colored t-shirt aligns with a monthly observation to shine positive light and minimize the stigma that can often come along with the negative struggles’ humanity deals with on a daily basis. Let your purchase be a reminder that you are doing the best you can, and you WILL free yourself from your struggles with one small change at a time. Change doesn't happen overnight, but it does happen over time. Let our shirts be a symbol of a small accomplishment, a milestone you are coming up too, or the beginning or end of a chapter in your life. With each different color shirt representing a cause, everyone can find the one shirt in a particular color that truly means something to them. But at the same time, YOU have the freedom to apply whatever meaning you want to anything you buy. We like to focus on the small but overlooked achievements and we encourage you to do the same. Customers have enjoyed gifting our tees to a loved one, who may need that little bit of encouragement to just- keep- going- Whatever that may mean to them at that time.

BUT WHY ONLY 3 STYLES? It is estimated that every American adult makes about 35,000 decisions a day. While some of these are day-to-day and may seem benign or subconscious decisions. Science indicates that making multiple decisions in one day may have negative ramifications and control our behavior and the quality of subsequent decisions. This is known as decision fatigue. Often when you feel like you have fog brain it is actually your mind cluing you in that you may have reached your cap on the ability to make quality decisions for that time being. We then start to take the passive route or make impulsive or irrational decisions out of exhaustion. We, as a new company, wanted fewer options so there were less decisions to make both for us as a developing brand, and for you as a consumer.

BUT IT'S JUST A DECISION ON A SIMPLE T- SHIRT? RIGHT? NO, just like every change can make a difference, so does every simple decision. We want our customers to spend their energy on the meaning of the T-shirt and what it represents or symbolizes to them, more than the style of the shirt. So, we did the work for you. We spent months researching the 3 most popular and classic t-shirt silhouettes and paired them with the basic colors we all want, along with featured neon colors per season. We also followed our gut that more is NOT always better. We like to keep things simple and straight to the point. You already made a great decision to visit our site and even read this far. That's two decisions we were already a part of. Why make it more difficult and give you thousands of styles, cuts, designs and colors to sort through, so you can be overwhelmed and X out of our site?

WHAT MATTERS MORE: In addition, we didn’t want to get lost in the design process and it was very important to us to have a condensed and curated collection that would allow us to focus on things that mattered more to us as a brand. We wanted to walk the walk and more importantly talk the talk, we put that into action by taking our time and energy sourcing the right fabrics, dye lots, factories and vendor partners so we could truly and proudly stand behind an American made brand that is organic, socially responsible, safe and ethical, and only use non-toxic dyes. All around we feel we took all the guesswork out of it for you, and narrowed it down to the best styles, colors, and ethics a t-shirt brand could have.

ON A MORE PERSONAL NOTE: Throughout this design and development process we realized that to truly be happy, your purpose and passion not only need to align together but they need to be much bigger than just yourself. And we wanted to include as many purposeful and thoughtful elements into our brand as it fueled our fire and purpose to wake up every day and make our products better for YOU. We wanted this brand to indulge in meaning, intention, purpose, and passion more than anything else.

Selfishly if you “Do good- you feel good” and we feel REALLY good about our brand and every thought, decision and action we put into it. So, join us in our journey and free yourself one step at a time (Or in our case-Free yourself one tee at a time).

P.S. - With every T-shirt purchased, we donate $5 to a charity of your choice that we are aligned with for that season. This season's non-profits are:

Happy Tee Time!

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A Personal Story from the Founder and her Struggle with Addiction